Reignite Interest: Warming Up Disengaged or Inactive Newsletter Subscribers

Perhaps you started a newsletter at some point to engage with your existing customers and others who may be interested in your products or services. Now, you’ve got a list of mostly disengaged or inactive newsletter subscribers. Do you throw it away and start again? Or are there things you can do to re-engage these leads?

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How to Leverage LinkedIn – Step 1 (an infographic)

Understand that there are different types of people out there. Some are more comfortable processing ideas by listening, some by reading and others by watching. The more that you are able to accommodate these differences by incorporating a range of formats for your content, the better your chances of conveying your message effectively.

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How To Speak Your Truth With Power and Confidence

When you do not have a clear idea of what you want to share, you may get easily distracted by other related or unrelated topics. If you delve into the other topics, there is a risk that your primary message is diluted or misunderstood. There is a risk that you devalue or lessen the impact of your most important message.

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Make Your Mark

In my journey to discover my own voice, I have been curious to find out how others have done the same. This is what a new show I have launched, Building Influence, is all about. Season 1 comprises eight episodes focused on intrepid adventurers in the field of education.

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