Hear from those who have made their mark
Written by Rowena Morais
Summary: Digital Confluence is proud to launch Season 1 of Building Influence, a show that explores the power of the human spirit and how individuals (people like you and me) are doing good work, putting themselves out there and getting things done. Find out how they do this by developing their profile, network and body of work. Read on to find out more.
Your career and your life choices are in your hands. Often, we don’t want to hear this for the reason that it puts the onus right back on us to do something about it. It is comforting to know that tomorrow is always there for you to make a start, to forge a new path, to do things the way you want to do them.
But as you know, tomorrow never comes. It’s often all about the things you do today.
I know you’re scared, who isn’t? This very journey I am about to share with you (the journey of creating this show) is the culmination of effort that spans a decade and a half in supporting others in their own journey. But it has also been a journey of my own – of discovery, learning and growth.
A journey I tried to avoid or skip around for a host of reasons (video and public speaking have never really been my forte). Reasons that made sense at the time, reasons that were just fears masquerading as valid justification. It’s all talk after a while, and sometimes, the only thing that matters is to simply start.
Action is needed in the face of fear, of uncertainty, of doubt, of despair. You take a step and things seem plausible. There’s a ray of hope and it’s enough to get you through a day. And then another small step. And the saying I saw on a gym wall comes back to me: “It doesn’t get easier, you just get stronger”.
Let’s learn from others who have forged ahead in spite of the hurdles
In my journey to discover my own voice, I have been curious to find out how others have done the same. This is what a new show I have launched, Building Influence, is all about. Season 1 comprises eight episodes focused on intrepid adventurers in the field of education.
Who are the featured guests?
While I did look at my own network at first, I also widened my search. Thankfully, my time over the last two years in EdTech helped. I looked for and found good people who were a great fit. As with many other things I embark on, I took a ‘Why not?’ approach. What’s the worst that can happen? They would simply turn me down (although I am pleased to say that no one has done that yet).
My eight beautiful guests in Season 01 are:

Kari Sutton, a researcher, educator, author and speaker who has helped over 25,000 parents, educators and others who care for kids to promote mental health fitness habits. Kari lives in Brisbane, Australia.

Mohsin Memon, a snowboarder and game designer who helps others use games for learning. Mohsin is based in Mumbai, India. (Episode coming soon)

Sean Bellamy, a Varkey Teaching ambassador who has been nominated one of the top 50 teachers in the world by the Varkey Foundation. Sean is based in Totnes, England in the UK. (Episode coming soon)

Mike Yates, founder and host of the Schoolish podcast, who is working round the clock for school reinvention. Mike is based in Dallas, Texas in the US. (Episode coming soon)

Kim Chua, a youth leadership specialist, aviation social scientist and museum docent. Kim is based in Singapore. (Episode coming soon)

Michael P Toothman PMP, a project management professional who is helping people become future proof so they won’t be replaced by technology. Michael is based in Los Angeles, California in the US. (Episode coming soon)

Dato Sri Ganes Palaniapan, who has worked tirelessly in vocational education and who has been recognised for this through the IVETA President’s Award from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation in 2017. Sri is based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia . (Episode coming soon)

Dr Ai Addyson-Zhang, the founder of Classroom without Walls who empowers teens and young adults to gain clarity and real-life skills. Ai is based in Washington, DC in the US. (Episode coming soon)
What do we talk about?
We discuss personal lives and career trajectories, highs and lows. We talk about hopes, dashed dreams and fears. We share missteps and failures but mostly, we talk about the things that matter and which are close to our heart.
The vision and goal.
The very thing that gets us up every morning. All through this, we talk about our profile, our presence as we see ourselves and how others define us.
We talk about our network and the way in which we have defined it and finally, we talk about our body of work, our digital portfolio. The very things that speak to our strengths and passions and the work that helps define who we are.
Why have I created Building Influence?
It is for one simple reason – building visibility and professional presence is within your reach. It is not something that should be reserved for the creatives around us or just the politicians, public speakers and leaders.
Building our professional presence is something we all owe ourselves. It is the hard work we need to do to make it easy and clear for others to see who we are.
Every one of these gutsy and strong individuals was tested in some way, often more than once. They stayed true to their path, they took the next step forward. They stared the danger and challenges right in the eye.
If you can hear their story, you will see what I see: that within us lies huge reservoirs of potential, courage and ability waiting to be discovered and tested. This does not mean that it’s as easy as potential or discovery. The work is laid out. My goal in surfacing these powerful stories is that they help inspire you in your own quest.
How did I develop this show?
This show has been many years in the making, always pushed to the back of my mind as I handle one challenge or another, always waiting for the perfect set of circumstances to manifest and support me in making this happen. That day never arrived. It was a quiet persistent nagging feeling that I couldn’t ignore anymore.
When will this show be out?
The first episode of Building Influence is now out and the remaining episodes will be published fortnightly over coming weeks.
Where can this show be found?
On the Digital Confluence Youtube channel. I hope you will find it useful. Enjoy!
Does what I share resonate? What are some of the ways you have been building influence? I would love to hear about your journey and the ways in which you have overcome the challenges along the way.
#influence #personalbranding #bodyofwork #networking #digitalprofile
Image courtesy Joel Muniz on Unsplash.