We learn by doing


Jobseeker Jumpstart Cover
Revitalised. Reenergised. Reset.

Jobseeker Jumpstart

Revitalised. Reenergised.Reset. A Thriving Workplace Program

Jobseeker Jumpstart is a hands-on online program designed to support your job search efforts and help you improve your visibility and executive presence.

You will have the opportunity to:

  • develop your elevator pitch
  • review and refine your resume
  • optimise your LinkedIn profile

Are you looking to reduce workplace stress or find better ways to mobilise change?

If you’re looking to improve collaboration and innovation, and build more open channels of communication, we have two words for you: psychological safety. This is where we come in with a holistic development program that incorporates a one-day workshop on psychological safety and interpersonal skills, followed by group coaching sessions and a final group session.