WATCH season 1 EPISODE 7


“Never forget day one.”

Sri Ganes


This is Episode 07 from Season 01 Education. This season contains eight episodes featuring guests in the education sector. Each episode takes a deep dive into the guest’s career highs and lows, looking at how they built their visibility and network. Interviews are candid and unfiltered.


Dato‘ Sri Ganes is the elected Vice President of the International Vocational Education and Training Association (IVETA), overseeing South Asia. He is also the honourable , Vice Chairman of Malaysia loT Association, commonly referred as ―MyIOTA‖ – the largest conglomerate association for industry players/stakeholders of IoT Technology in Malaysia.

A pioneer in the TVET and skill training in Malaysia, SG Education Group was founded in 1999 and consists of five skills training institutes which boast accreditation from various national and international certification bodies and universities.

A technology enthusiast, Dato’ Sri Ganes understands the critical need for industrial skills for the digital economy and has developed efficient methodologies to create and train talent to facilitate Digital Transformation.  He holds an MBA from Cardiff Metropolitan University in the UK and a B.Sc (Hons) in Computing and Information Systems from Lincolnshire & Huberside University in the UK.

“You cannot lead a crowd without being a listener.”

Sri Ganes


  • I realised I had I jumped into a big project without really knowing the depth involved but this is where my journey started (05:52)
  • We should not be the consumers of technology, we should be the developers as this is what provides more value (07:41) 
  • TVET equips talent with the skills needed in the workplace. Academic qualifications are not the be-all and end-all of the career journey  (11:20)
  • Jab jab hook strategy (13:10)
  • You have to multiply your strengths (19:35)
  • 2 – 3 things I do to put myself out there (20:25)
  • What’s really important in networking  (23:01)
  • You cannot lead a crowd without being a listener (24:03)
  • I don’t believe in these online meetings because I can’t really channel my energy to people there. I believe meeting people is important and that we should find avenues to make that happen post-COVID-19 (27:57)
  • How I decide who to connect with  (33:34)
  • Digital transformation is both a technology and management challenge. It involves more than digital sales (39:25)
  • Understand the customer journey (40:53)
  • Discovering my strengths (43:10)
  • Stumbling block and missteps (46:40)
  • Every single customer is important – never forget day one (48:40)
  • Failure is not new to me (50:55)
  • We opened up all our elearning platforms for free during COVID-19 (53:05)


Sri Ganes on LinkedIn

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