This is Episode 06 from Season 01 Education. Season 01 contains eight episodes featuring guests who work in education. Each episode features a single guest, looking at their personal lives and careers, considering their perspective as a leader and creator. These interviews are candid and unfiltered.


Kim Chua is a youth leadership specialist, aviation social scientist and museum docent. Her body of work spans over 15 years in higher education working with youth and student leaders.  She believes in supporting young people to actualise their potential to impact the community and industry through a mindful and strategic approach. Kim is passionate about youth issues including mental well-being and student success.


  • Nothing about my career journey is linear, nothing about it is planned. Throughout my life, it has been a journey to learn. However, the knowledge I seek, the training and mentors I seek, are all very deliberate. The flow, the opportunities and wonderful coaches who came my way has been a mix of planning and flow (02:59)
  • My key passions are DI (diversity and inclusion), how to involve more women in the industry, and how to develop more compassion and empathy towards the people we meet in our daily lives. One of my pet projects now is mental and emotional wellness (04:58)
  • At the core of my journey, I am very much a social scientist (05:58)
  • Something about me: my energy, my enthusiasm and my gumption to see things through and naturally, when this happens, your expertise, your skill set would flow through (07:18)
  • I am not afraid to say I don’t know enough about this but I am willing to learn (08:21)
  • What happens when you are too open to criticism? (08:48)
  • Now I am more strategic about adding connections on LinkedIn, more curated in the people I want to connect with and in the events I want to attend (10:20)
  • Posting and sharing on social media – it cannot just be about the self, it needs to be about supporting the community as well (12:25)
  • Not comfortable marketing myself but I look at this in terms of personal branding (13:03)
  • It’s a very scary experience for young graduates to meet industry veterans but I always tell my students this ((17:30)
  • What to do when you are first getting around to start public speaking and how to deal with the fear (22:43)
  • How I choose to grow my network (29:10)
  • “Your curiosity will get you into trouble”, my primary school teacher used to say but I consider my sense of curiosity one of my strengths
  • It’s ok to make mistakes but try to make new mistakes. Try to make different mistakes (33:25)
  • How I discovered my strengths (33:39)
  • What COVID-19 has taught me is the importance of introspection (34:33)
  • Journaling and intention setting (35:40)
  • Training to be a docent (37:20)
  • Dealing with stumbling blocks (40:10)
  • Tips on building your body of work. The timeline approach: Who or what kind of Kim do I want to be in three years time? (45:34)


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